Questions on the topics of Vedanta, God, Soul, Mind, Relationships, and more, collected from various sources, are answered by Swami Medhasananda of the Vedanta
Society of Japan, a branch of the Ramakrishna Order.
Though most of the questions discussed here may be approached from different perspectives or angles, and in greater depth and detail, these sample answers are
presented to suit a general audience.
It will become evident from browsing over the questions that some seem rather simple, while others are quite deep. Accordingly, answers depend on the nature of the
question, and while some can be quite easily understood, others may require a deeper understanding.
Additionally, answers to problem oriented questions may be regarded as suggestions to evoke further thought in the reader's minds, so that they may find solutions
most satisfactory to them.
Currently some 95 questions are organised in the following categories:
II. Ramakrishna / Vivekananda
III. Hinduism
IV. God & Spirituality
V. Spiritual Practices
VI. Mental Peace and Joy
VII. Relationships
VIII. Miscellaneous
It is suggested that you browse the Questions & Answers page to see if one of the questions asked here approximates you
query. Swami Medhasananda's answers are linked to the questions for your convenience.
Swami has offered a general response to many common inquiries here. As always, if your question has not been satisfactorily addressed, a resident monk of the
Ramakrishna Order may be available at a Vedanta
Society or Ramakrishna / Vivekananda Centre in your country for more information. If not, you can direct any questions, comments, or
suggestions you may have concerning our Spiritual Q&A section to us at <>. The swami will try to respond to all serious, pertinent inquiries.
Vedanta Society of Japan
(Nippon Vedanta Kyokai)