

5th-7th: Outdoor Retreat at Zentsuji

13th (Sat.): Bhagavad Gita  Study Clasat the Indian Embassy 

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        10:30 ~12:00  (In Japanese only)

17th (Wed.): Monthly Upanishad Study Class

       ★Zoom Video Upload later

   8:30 ~10:00 (in Japanese only)

23rd (Tue.)Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Study Class 

         ★Zoom Video Upload later

         14:30 ~16:30 (in Japanese only)

28th (Sat.): Satsanga in Hamamatsu




3rd (Sat.): Bhagavad Gita  Study Clasat the Indian Embassy 

        Video Upload later

        10:30 ~12:00  (In Japanese only)

06th (Tue.)Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Study 

         ★Zoom Video Upload later

         14:30 ~16:30 (in Japanese only)

14th (Wed.): Monthly Upanishad Study Class

       ★Zoom Video Upload later

   8:30 ~10:00 (in Japanese only)

18th (Sun.): Krishna Birthday Celebration

          ★Livestreaming  (Bi-lingual)


          Speaker: Swami Medhasanandaji