The Emblem depicts the four paths to God:
• The wavy waters—unselfish work—or Karma.
• The lotus—love of God—or Bhakti.
• The rising sun—knowledge—or Jnana.
• The encircling serpent—awakening of spiritual power—or Yoga.
The swan represents the Supreme Being or Godhead. By the union of these four paths, the vision of God is obtained.
The goal of the Ramakrishna Order is written in Sanskrit on the emblem:
May the Supreme Spirit illumine us.
What is Vedanta
Vedanta, as revealed to the saints of Ancient India, teaches that man's real nature is divine, that the true object of human life is to unfold and manifest this divinity and that truth is
Vedanta believes in one God who has both 'transcendental' and 'immanent' aspects. God-vision can be obtained by controlling nature, internal and external, and through paths (yoga) of
knowledge (jnana-yoga), selfless work (karma-yoga), devotion (bhakti-yoga) and psychic control (raja-yoga).
Vedanta accepts all the religions of the world and reveres the great prophets, teachers, and sons of God, because it recognizes the same divine inspiration in all.